Pretty crappy, but the animation makes it funny
And besides, RD is one of my favorite films.
Pretty crappy, but the animation makes it funny
And besides, RD is one of my favorite films.
Ah yes!
Impeach Bush! Fuck the war! Let the Iraqi people live miserable lives because Saddam isn't MY problem!
The american government effectively killed 2 million iraqi children by voting on sanctions. and then put the oil through the back door. its ok to take their oil, fund there opression, but give them food! never! The biggest killer of iraqi's before the war is not big bad sadam, its the Americans! the ol red white n blue. before we butted in they were doing so much better. and im not saying we shouldn't have butted in, but there are other solutions to war
I don't know man
I liked your two drawings. But that was just it. Two drawings. Maybe if there was a little animation, their mouth's moving at least, then it would have scored higher. But two pictures back and forth doesn't take much effort.
<3 I see your point. I dont have time at the mooment but I will remake it with animation later. =)
I completely missed the movie when it came out. Great job.
I found something even more confusing than Minority Report. Great job. I liked the synchernized swimming part.
It's alright
That was hillarious!
You should've had more Joe, though. He's just too fucking stupid.
Newgrounding(?) since March 2001
Los Angeles
Joined on 11/24/01